Technicians Specializing in Furnace Cleaning In Scarborough

As the proprietor of a highly successful duct cleaning company and an experienced technician, I am frequently asked by our clients whether we are competent to clean their heating and air conditioning systems, and my response is always the sameā€¦

However, the law is very clear in this matter and states that Duct Cleaning companies may only clean these conveyance components while they remain intact and that they may never. removed or altered in any way whatsoever. You can consider the best option for it by just clicking Furnace Cleaning Scarborough.

Keep In Mind That a Reputable Company

Having said that, it is important to keep in mind that a reputable company that specializes in duct cleaning should have access to a variety of specialized cleaning tools. These tools will enable the company to do an excellent job of cleaning the conveyance components while allowing them to remain in place.

When it comes to performing a tune up and diagnostics on the system, the work that a duct cleaner does on your HVAC unit is in no way comparable to the work that a qualified Heating and Air Conditioning Tech (HVAC Tech) will do on the unit. This is something that I feel it is my job as a professional to advise homeowners of.

Duct Cleaner Is Allowed

When it comes to the things that a Duct Cleaner is allowed to perform and are prohibited from doing on an HVAC system, the law is stringent. It is against the law for duct cleaning firms to clean in the combustion region of your furnace. This is the area that contains the burners, pilot light, gas valves, and electrical components, and it is absolutely off limits to anyone who is not properly certified.

Any unlicensed people who are rummaging around in that part of your HVAC equipment are breaking state and provincial regulations and should. reported to the appropriate authorities. It should also. highlighted that if anything goes wrong, their insurance company will not cover them if anything goes wrong.

Duck Cleaning Companies

Our clients frequently inform us that other duct cleaning companies have made the claim that as part of their service, the company would conduct an inspection of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. You can consider the best option for it by just clicking Furnace Cleaning Technician Scarborough

If a duct cleaning firm ever claims that they will do any kind of inspection or diagnostics on your heating and air conditioning system, please do not hire them, and instead file a complaint with your local consumer protection office as soon as possible.


The only exception to the preceding would. if the Company employed a properly certified HVAC technician that would. doing the actual inspection or service work, or if the duct cleaning company was contracting out to another company that is HVAC Certified, in which case you would. wise to ask for proof of qualifications. The only other exception to the preceding would. if the Company employed a properly certified HVAC technician that would. doing the actual inspection or service work. You can consider the best option for it by just clicking Furnace Cleaning Expert in Scarborough.

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