Is Your Home Properly Ventilated?*

There are lots of houses that have all the latest HVAC equipment installed yet they find it impossible to maintain a healthy air quality. You still find smells, bacteria and other impurities in the air as soon as you walk in such houses. So what does this mean basically?

Does this signify the equipment that these houses have installed is not worth it? Nope. Instead, the ventilation system is poor. Ever tried figuring out how does your home’s/workplace’s ventilation system stand out against the rest?

Bothered by impure and stale air making you feel lazy? Here are some tips that might help:

Are your activity rooms all exhausted?

If you don’t have an exhaust in the kitchen, the laundry and the washrooms, chances are your house will be smelly. To treat this, you need the air to be driven out. And that can only happen with the help of an exhaust fan. It doesn’t matter if you have a small window that you open for a few hours during the day.

An exhaust fan can easily suck all the air indoors out and provide a new and fresh supply of outdoor air that can be used to eliminate bacteria and any smells present in the room.

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