How Can an Energy-Efficient Furnace Help You Save Money? – Furnace Installation Scarborough

If you’re like most people, you’re probably on the lookout for ways to save money anywhere you can. Reduce your heating and cooling expenditures is one of the most effective ways to do this. With an energy efficient furnace, you can save a lot of money on these, but you can also save money on the furnace itself. Here are a few suggestions for saving money while buying a new furnace.

Furnace Installation

To begin with, getting a new energy efficient furnace installation Scarborough before the end of 2022 can save you a large amount of money on your HVAC system. If you buy a new furnace that meets government regulations between now and then, you can get a 30% tax credit. When it comes to something as expensive as a new furnace, a 30 percent discount can add up quickly. You can save up to $1,500 by updating your home’s heating and cooling system.

This tax credit is preferable to a tax deduction because it will be applied dollar for dollar to your taxes. With a conventional deduction, you can only get a dollar amount off your taxes up to a certain amount, but with this tax credit, the government will give you exactly 30% of the cost of your new energy-efficient furnace – up to $1,500. If you get a rebate, the money will either be applied to your tax payment or to the amount you owe the government at the end of the year.

Furnace Installation

Second, replacing your old furnace with a new energy-efficient one will save you money on furnace maintenance. If your furnace is more than ten years old, you’ll almost probably have to pay a lot more in the long run to keep it running. A brand-new furnace installation Scarborough, on the other hand, will cost more up front, but you’ll save money in the long term because repairs will be rare. Furthermore, many furnaces will come with a warranty, so you can rest confident that any future repairs will be covered by someone else.

Finally, and probably most obviously, a new energy efficient furnace can save you a lot of money on your energy bills over time. If you live in an area with cold, long winters, a new furnace can save you between $500 and $1,000 each year. Simply said, in a few years, your new furnace will pay for itself. When you add in the government’s tax credit, you might be able to purchase a brand new furnace that pays for itself in a few years.

Furnace Installation

As you can see, there are a variety of ways to save money with a new energy efficient furnace, and even if you think you can’t afford one right now, you’ll almost certainly be able to get a decent deal on one for your home. In the long term, this will be well worth it. The Cambridge Heating and Cooling provides a comprehensive range of heating and cooling services, including energy-efficient furnace installation, repair, and maintenance, as well as energy-efficient air conditioning installation, repair, and maintenance. For almost 20 years, we’ve been serving the Toronto Canada. Emergency assistance is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can get a reasonable discount by visiting our website.

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